Here we are in the middle of the worst
recession in living memory and all our elected
officials care for is more politics.Our country is bleeding jobs like never before and not a word,
apprentices are being laid of, manufacturing is being strangled of cash by the banks who have taken our cash and kept it, and hip hip hurray we have more "finance jobs" (call centre workers).These jobs add nothing to our nation and are moved out asap because the skills are easy to teach and it takes no time to replace them in another part of the world.
And the
governments answer .Lets talk about independence lets put a
minimum price on
alcohol to stop people drinking.Apparently
alcohol is responsible for people missing to many days of work as well as all sorts of
social evils .Well those with no jobs wont need to worry about missing work now will they!
It has not taken long for those in Edinburgh to become completely detached from reality .These are people who think its more important to talk about
Independence than it is to keep food on our tables.I have said this before and I will say it again.I remember voting for devolution and having such high hopes for it.But this programme shows that what we have here is just a glorified more expensive version of local council.A
parliament that either
cannot or will not get involved in the reality of life in Scotland today.
Shame on those up in there big expensive house I want to vote but not on
independence I want to vote to get rid of this useless lair of politics that serves no other purpose but the stroking of small nation ego's.