I thought that after years of messing about on line and posting comments here and there that I should join the blogger world.Not that what I have to say is anymore interesting than most other people but I just like to talk.
I hope I will be able to keep it up as one of my faults is not seeing things through.I always start full of energy then fade away,But I do spend a bit of time online so that should make it easier.
What will you find on my blog?
Well you might find some everyday stuff.I may rant and rave from time to time.I will talk about football and faith.These may seem an odd combination but not for me.
I may talk about my new studies into christian micro-enterprise or the new project we are starting in Glasgow called open door.
Maybe nobody will ever read it but hey who cares .
Ahhh... but maybe some people WILL read it ;)
So it seems.
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