Over the last few months I have heard the term "credit crunch" more times than I care to think about.And every time I hear it it has "bad news" tagged alongside it.
Politicians,bankers ,economists and the media are trying to convince us that what is going on right now is indeed bad news.I have no reason to believe that this is bad news.The fact that all of these people are being found out as greedy incompetents is in fact good news if the rest of us can wake up and see what is going on.
Over the years many great industries have disappeared because they were not profitable or were inefficient.That seems to be the capitalist way just think about the miners or the shipbuilders those industries were allowed to go under and nobody could do anything to save them.Here we have banks and insurance companies buying and selling debt good and bad to each other packed up and sold on most of that debt has now turned bad(toxic) and they want you and me the taxpayer to take it over.In the UK this has happened with Northen rock the taxpayer has taken over .The bank of England continues along with others to pump cheap money into the system to keep it moving .All of this money belongs to those of us who earn it and we will never see it back.
So why is this good news?
If we can take hold of this opportunity to change the way in which we relate to money and to put the pressure on those in power who are supposed to represent us we could see lasting changes that will help us to have a better relationship with money.
1 Try something new,write to your MP and tell him you don't want your money used to bail out a failed system that you don't want your money to reward greed.Ask him to vote against any of these measures ask him to be accountable to you.
2 Get involved in a different system.Look for new opportunities to use your money to build a new system .A system that involves relationships and trust one that is small and can be trusted one that has a face and a name .Try your local Credit union for starters have a look online and begin to discover the other ways you can use your money instead of having it sit in a bank.
Try these sites for starters.
Now I may seem slightly Evangelical on this but its about bloody time we fought back against a system that is killing us all slowly but surely.