Ok here we go.Its study time and I feel the fear and excitment all at once.For while now I have thought about how to encourage to think about running there own small buisness.Along with a few friends we came up with the idea of having some buisness mentors and some finance that would enable people to have go.
Along with Neil Young and Paul Ede I have got some people and some money(small amounts) to try and start a local project.While doing this I got the opportunity to do a distance course on Microfinance and Microenterprise Development .This course is running by the Chalmers institute.It will take me 6 months at 8 hours a week.Its over 20 years since ive had to study like that .I hope that my study will better place me tomake a vision a reality
I have some vision and heart to see it happen so Im hoping that will carry me through.I do believe it would be a great blessing to the inner city area I work in if they had more examples from among there peers of people who have took the risk and went out on there own.I believe God wants us to have the confidence to achieve everything we can in life,I also believe this is a real missing to the inner cities where people struggle to look beyond the life there parents or grandparents had.
My own father has been and continue to be my inspiration .He took the risk 25 years ago and is now handing all his hard work over to me and my son.
Not Messiah, but memory…
1 day ago
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