I thought about the movie Copland where Sly Stallone plays a small town sheriff who is not to bright and deaf in one ear.His town is full of the big city cops all whom seem to be doing great but underneath the facade they are all corrupt in some way.
Sometime I feel a bit like Sly a small timer not to smart and mostly ignored by the real cops,he constantly feels like he is on the outside and has no power to challenge these city boys.In the movie he plays a great part of the guy who just takes whatever is given to him and tries not to rock the boat.He doesn't want to rock the boat because he feels what he thinks and what he believes doesnt really matter.
Churchland can be a bit like that hopefully not as cruel.But not being a "full time leader" not being "in the know"can leave you feeling like an outsider in your own town, can leave you feeling like you want to say something but it will only sound dumb.Churchland is a place where those big boys get to stay and the rest are left feeling less than useful.Churchland is a cruel town at times where even although you belong and you are part of the same community you are left feeling like an outsider.
In the end Sly takes on the big boys he decides its time to stand up for himself and show everybody who he really is.He is not slick he does not know everything but he knows what is right and what is wrong this proves to be much more valuable than anything the big boys have and there corruption is exposed.
Churchland can have the same effect on those not on the inside it can leave them feeling like they are not in the know that they are not smart or don't have what it takes.Those not in full time leadership are somehow not equal to those who are.The same value is not placed on them and they feel excluded.It may be that this is a bit of a crude comparison but watching the movie again left me thinking about these things.I bet those in the movie never thought it would be interpreted in this way
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