It is becoming clearer and clearer to me that under all the study and reading a theme is coming out of this course.That theme is that whatever is done it must be with the ultimate aim of empowering people to make more choices.Emporing them to take more control over what goes on in there own lives and in the life of there community.
Giving people the power to think about what they want to achieve and not what can be done for them.Enabling people to have the capacity to make choices .Choices that can change there lives for ever.These choices are not about money alone but they are about how we relate to money .The ability to be part of what is going on instead of a spectator.
Recently a friend of mine went to Nepal where she lived in a community where there was a building programme going on.The community was to get a new community centre.All the materials were delivered and had to be carried by hand to where the building was to take place.The people of the community helped with this every day as well as doing there own jobs.
When the community centre in my community was being built if this was the plan nothing would have been built.The people Helped to drive the project forward and secure funding but there was still an expectation of everything being done for them.I think this is what must change.
Not Messiah, but memory…
1 day ago
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