So now we cant sing the hokey cokey.The latest in the stupid serious of attempts to control what people sing at football matches.
After being banned for singing bad songs some Rangers fans said we should all sing the hokey cokey but NO!! its anti catholic apparently.
This is the story in the red top Daily record
Tonight it will be on the BBC.
So what does this say about our country.We are small minded and stupid.Nobody has been offended because nobody has even sung the song .So now people are getting ready just in case they are offended.
Peter Kearney, a spokesman for the Catholic church in Scotland, said: "This song does have quite disturbing origins. It was devised as an attack on, and a parody of, the Mass. If there are moves to restore its more malevolent meaning then consideration should perhaps be given to its wider use."
SNP MSP Michael Matheson urged police to "take the appropriate action" against those using it to taunt Catholics.
Both these men are more stupid than I care to mention one is a press officer.Maybe he should re train so that he knows what a quite news day is and he can learn the phrase "no comment".The other is a MSP well I guess there only a few jobs he could get with that on his c.v.
I hope both of them are suitably offended if they ever read this .Which they might as I have emailed both of them to tell them how dumb they are.
I had no idea the hokey cokey was an anti catholic song until these two piped up.Oh okey hokey cokey come on boys join in.Or get a life.
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