As I watched the new president take power I was struck by the way that the power is handed over from one man to another.There is great care taken to make sure that everything is done according to the law.So much so that the new pres thought he should take the oath again because of a few slip ups the first time around.
All of this is in stark contrast to Jesus who gave up all his power to humbled himself and serve .The kingdom of God is a very different place to the kingdoms of this world and in truth no matter the man and his intentions politics is about the taking of power.Now it is true that the power can be used for good and I hope the new pres is able to do that .But in the end it is Jesus we must look to and the coming of his kingdom to the people of the world that will make the world the place it was supposed to be.
We are still stuck in with the concept of top down.Where power is taken and then used to make things better .Jesus showed us the bottom up way.Where power is given up and those who have nothing become the most important people in the kingdom.I dont think any nation will ever look like that and maybe they never should, but the kingdom of God does and thats how we change nations .
So God bless the new pres but all hail the chief Jesus.
Not Messiah, but memory…
1 day ago
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