I have posted on this topic on another Blog but I don't think I have mentioned it hear.I read these facts and it reminded me of why I feel so passionate about urban church's working together.
1. What is the largest single section of the British population?
Answer 1. What is traditionally known as "the working class": 65%
2. Which section of Britain's population is least represented in the Church?
Answer2. The working class: less than 1%
Source Urban harvest Roy Joslin.
So it really is time to try and put things right.But what can I do ?Well I can talk and share and help to facilitate a place for those in urban church's find a safe place to share there troubles.What we need to see are some strong working class people speak up and call the church to see the mission field before there eyes.
All of this must be done in love and humility but we must try and put our shoulders to the wheel.I would love to see some working class people in Glasgow rise up and take some ownership of the church's vision for the city because the figures above are to sad for words.
Not Messiah, but memory…
1 day ago
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