Yesterday I left a tweet that I was going to see The Boss in Glasgow.I was looking forward to the gig and had high hopes.I must admit that I'm not the biggest fan in the world but surely that wouldn't matter.After all Ive been to many gigs where I didn't really know the band .
How wrong can you be.The worst gig I have ever had the misfortune to pay £50 for.We were quite a bit away from the stage but even taking that into account the sound was crap.Just not loud enough it was like sitting out in the garden with some music playing in the house.Now I'm not the youngest guy in the world anymore but when the folk next to me took out there sandwich and binoculars I knew we were in trouble.It was like being in some OAP club.I have been to gigs with my own father 69 and he has 10 times more life in him.So all thoughts of having a dance went right out the window.
Then came to music every song started like it would be great but after 2 hours every song sounded like one great big song.I heard 2 songs that raised the bar.Outlaw Pete and the River then we could not take it any longer and left.
My over all feeling is that for some reason it seems cool to say the boss is great but by the look on most peoples faces this is just an illusion.Sure there was great energy and the longest set I've ever heard but over all I could only give him a 2/10 and that's mainly for effort .its been 28 years since they last came to Glasgow I hope they don't hurry back.Now bring on Green day.
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