I just got back from a week in Disney Paris with my Son my nephew and my sons friend.It felt a bit like being in the twilight zone and after few days I was craving adult conversation.I did though have a great time in the land of the mouse.
But holidays are strange time they say you should never make and big choices for your life while on holiday.I say why not .You feel different and see things differently you feel detached from that treadmill that drives you all year round and you have time to see the world and God in a different light.I reflected on the time I have spent trying to plant a church in the inner city and wondered if it is possible.Thinking back over the years and all the knocks we have taken and asking "will I still pay the price?"Increasingly the answer is no.
I don't want to give up on my faith or run away from God but I don't think I want to pay any more.Its time to think about my family and my own sanity its time to think about what they need instead of others.In fact its time to have some time.Time to seek God time to hear him time to spend with my hurting wife time to heal family relationships time to strengthen what I have and time for just being.
I have taken a month of church and it feels good.Normally I would miss it and be thinking about what was going on and what needed to be done.But now if I'm honest I really don't care whats going on.At the end of this month I will decide what the future holds for me and my family and I have to say for the first time in a long time I feel relaxed about it.
Not Messiah, but memory…
1 day ago
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