Open door so it begins

Its been more years than I car to think about since some of thought about having a place in the centre of the community a place we could use to bless people a place that would not be seen as church.Overt he last few years the place has been ours but we have taken a while to get to this stage where it can be open every day.

And now at last I feel like it has begun.As we prayed together the other night I could feel a great sense of excitement and a great challenge .I know God is going to use what we are doing to bless people and I know that people are going to get to see who he is and what he looks like.As we begin to work out our plan of action and think about how we will minister to the community its important we stay true to who God id calling us to be and what he wants us to look like its vital that with all that needs to be done we don't lose sight of Jesus.

There is a plan and its starting to take shape and I think that's good but I know its how we make people feel and how we engage with there story that will make the difference .I want them to get the sent of Jesus to be able to encounter him themselves and to see what church should look like a new model .Its about our ability to love and serve as Jesus did that's where the rubber hits the road.There are many details to be looked after but I know we will work our way through them but please pray for us to stay faithful to the dream God gave us but also that we would be able to adjust when he needs us too .